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Zetaflow Needs Some People

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 8:14 am
by Sasadad
Ok, if you have been coming to ZetaFlow recently, you've probably noticed the lack of people here. The only levels being made are really bad ones by unexperienced creators. The forums are utterly dead. How can you help? Got friends? (I hope so :wink: ) Tell your friends about the game! Are you a member of some other online thing? Spread the word of ZetaFlow. I've already show it to a bunch of friends in school, and I'm going to tell people on other websites soon. It's pretty lonely around here right now.

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 9:00 am
by Mouzi
I've tried, but nobody cares -.-

But it's all true, what you're saying.

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 9:20 am
by Zeke
Sasadad - I agree whole heartedly. However, I think that since this is MD's baby, he has the primary responsibility for keeping ZetaFlow in the gaming communities line of sight.

I wonder sometimes if MD know what a great game he has here, and that it probably has the potential it has to make him independently wealthy.

Good level designers (like yourself) have posted regularly in the past, but have faded away. I honestly believe that if MD took a more active role in managing this community, they would have continued to contribute.

We all have other daily obligations, be it family... school... job... whatever. But I find myself coming back to ZetaFlow for a break in the daily regimen.

MD... I don't mean this to be a critique of you. The (not so simple) fact that you have put ZetaFlow up to public scrutiny is a testimony to your character. But with that goes the responsibility of maintenance.

I'm an old fart who comes here to pass some time in my day. But... the fact that I come here, rather than a bunch of other sites that I might amuse myself with, speak volumes as to the quality of what I might find here.

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 10:42 am
by Sasadad
MD has updated ZF somewhat often, which is good, but there's really nothing to do after a while. With nobody making threads, there's nothing to respond to. The gallery is so overrun with bad levels that its hard to find the good ones. I just noticed that there are those new boxes on the front page, "Most Played Level" and "Least Played Level." That may be a step towards getting people to stick around and make good levels. I just hope MD continues to add to this game.

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 10:24 pm
by MD
Indeed, people have come and gone quite a bit, but there seems to be more leaving then joining lately.

I'd like to see the site grow and everything, but honestly I really don't know what I'm doing what it comes to managing a community. Lack of time makes it that much harder to learn and experiment.

I highly doubt its potential to make me wealthy. Another thing I don't know how to do is monetize a free game. I've tried signing up for other advertising solutions but I haven't even been accepted. Instead I accept it as a fun hobby that has the perk of touching the it tiny and insignificant.

Speaking of the world, it's interesting that visitors are coming from all over the globe. I suppose that some people aren't comfortable with english and so avoid the forums?

I did make a small update on the weekend, namely those boxes on the front page and also a few more triggers (like a rotate trigger as sasadad suggested).


Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 2:25 pm
by Zeke
As for attracting more activity... There was a flurry of activity in the forum and in good level design when Redsatori suggested the Minimalist challenge. It prompted exchanges of ideas, and that's a good thing. It also brings out the competitve spirit, and inspires those who otherwise might not get involved. You could have periodic challenges based on the new feature you add. A "triggers" challenge seems like a good candidate for starters. Another topic that come to mind is a series. I'm sure the regular designers will have plenty of other ideas. You could make a Zeta Flow Hall of Fame in the forum for the winner of each challenge. :idea:

As for making you wealthy... My brother use to play this online game for free called Bounce Out. While I was walking through a Walmart a few months back, I happened to notice that it was available for purchase. My point being that you never know what might happen. Someone might approach you some day to buy the rights for resale. :-)

Another thing that might help generate better level design is a "ZetaFlow For Dummies" forum section. I'm sure that would be a tough and time consuming effort though.

As for getting the word out... I'll approach Jay Bibby of "Jay Is Games" about doing an update review. You've added a lot of features since the last time they reviewed Zeta Flow.

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 4:36 pm
by Sasadad
I pretty much agree with everything Zeke just said. I'd love to see some contests around here, especially if there were rewards like the "Hall of Fame" idea. I can also see that ZF has great potential, we'll just have to see how far it goes. :D

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 5:43 pm
by MD
Thanks for the suggestions!

I'm thinking of dividing up the forum sections a bit better, here's my plan so far, am I missing anything?
Announcements will appear here.

Suggestions and Feedback
Bug reports, suggestions, questions, etc that relate to the development of Zeta Flow and this website.

Designers: Level Design
Design concepts in general, talk about your favorites, show levels you've made, give feedback.

Designers: Editor Help
Scripting help, tricks, and tips. How to use the editor.

Players: Discussion
How you play the game

Off Topic
Everything else under the sun

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 6:25 pm
by Zeke
I didn't see the Designers Hall of Fame in the list :lol:

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 7:58 pm
by MD
We don't have any famed designers yet :P plus when we do I think I'll make a special page of some sort for them.

I just finished reorganizing the forums...don't know if I like the categories I put on, it seemed simpler before. It's probably better in the long run though.


Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 6:17 am
by Zeke
MD - If you do decide to do a contest, it might be a good idea to post a note about it on the main page well in advance of when the contest will take place. Add a note that the contest will only recognize registered forum users for the Hall of Fame. That should encourage more player/designers to sign up and perhaps post to the forum. There are some good level designers who don't participate in forum discussions.