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Secondary Weapons

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 5:42 pm
by kirill2525
I think the playing prosses would be much more interesting if there were secondary weapons (homing missile, shield, missile, bomb, emp, laser, ebd[enemy bullet destroyer]) of course there should me a limited amount of them or maybe a charging time.

Re: Secondary Weapons

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 7:05 pm
by NARFNra
It would make the game way too easy. It would also make people have to plan their levels much more carefully. Barriers could be pierced by lasers and stuff, so there would be no safe zones.

Re: Secondary Weapons

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 7:26 pm
by kirill2525
in that case mirrors could be built to reflect lasers. i think ppl should be able to set different hp on objects, and every time an objects hp drops 25, 50, 75% a crack should appear (100%= destroyed) so that ppl know how much damage there doing.also weapons don't always need to be offensive (shield,EBD bomb[enemy bullet destroyer], EMP[stops all movement except the players ship] ) new weapon idea = flame thrower (wide angle but short range)