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Feature request thread

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 12:07 am
by Mouzi
I think all short feature requests should be in the same place, so people see what has been suggested
and if any ever get implemented the others get attention too.
Collected some scattered feature requests here.

Also, the one I was about to suggest:
Mouzi wrote:I was thinking about what new addition would solve the most of current design issues and limits I have and came up with this. Collision detection trigger. Flash can do shape hit test easily, right?
I don't know if it takes too much resources to do that but anyway. It could also be so that it only detects if the center point of the other part hits the other one.
Like "collisionTrigger, partA, partB, any_command" = when partA center hits partB's shape area. Which would use less resources than checking if any point inside partA hits any point inside partB I think.
Though I'm not a Flash developer so mostly just guessing stuff :P

This addition would enable a lot of "custom" triggers to be made; player location triggers, ship location triggers (when you can't predict it), easier rotation triggers, etc.

From older threads:
Phantom wrote:It would be cool if you could change the colors of the projectiles/Lasers like you can to the actual parts. It would make things a whole lot more creative. Thanks for listening to my idea.
dadasas wrote:I was thinking of 2 simple new commands, follow mouse, and rotate to mouse.
Mouzi wrote:Some ideas I got when I was playing aroung:

- Setting custom HP for parts
- Random rotation for parts
- Part list (for selecting parts that can't be clicked)
- Multiple switch parts (all parts listed need to be destroyed to destroy targets)
- Shortcut keys for making parts bigger/smaller
Sasadad, Mouzi wrote:I was thinking, with the newish death commands and time commands, a new command that would be really good would be a command to change the size of a part. It could be like size, PART#, X, Y and it could be attached to a time or death command so that when a part dies or a certain amount of time passes, a part changes size. What do you think?


Some kind of text edit command would cover all of these things (color, size, rotation, type of part). And maybe allow creation of new parts :) As long as it can't be abused (would reduce lag on some levels.. maybe?).


Yeah, I was also thinking about a part creating command that could be activated when something dies or an amount of time passes, like the size changing command I suggested. That would be really handy, and you'd probably have to specify everything about the new part (position, color, size, parent, part#, etc.).
This is partially done, but preserving groups would be nice
rycuda wrote:Grouping on the editor? So you can select a group of parts that after that will move, scale and rotate as one object?

That'd be really really useful.

Having just built a 7 object turret only to find that I've got it pointing away from the player I've a huge amount of work to do to flip objects around the center of the group, rotate by 180....
Farfelkugeln wrote:I've got an idea conserning rotation.
It should be possible to restrict the "rotate part to ship" ability to ,for example, rotating between 0* and 30*.
The part would rotate after the ship, but inside this angle.
Mouzi, MD wrote:Maybe the whole "amount of lives" limit should be changed to some kind of par system. What I mean is that, instead of setting amount of lives, you set a goal amount of allowed deaths. If a player dies more than par then the goal is not achieved (maybe even set so that if the goal is not achieved it's not counted as "win" and therefore not added to the success rate percentage).

This would allow anyone to play through the level without caring about losing lives if they really just want to see the level and then maybe later try to achieve the goal and ultimately compete for the "best lives" high score. This would have several advantages, for example unlimited lives wouldn't affect the success rate and there would still be some kind of goal (other than making it to the top of "best lives") even if there are unlimited lives.


[...] I'd probably want to give users a choice: goal or limit.

Re: Feature request thread

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:22 am
by asdasdg
Thanks mouzi.
I think your suggestion at the top is a good one.