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AI Manual

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 9:45 pm
by rycuda
Boss Movement
Will make the core (and hence the whole level) move from point to point in a randomish pattern.
Will make the core (and hence the whole level) move slowly after the player.

Boss Rotation
The core and everything attached to it will spin round in a random speed and direction.
The core and everything attached to it will slowly rotate to track the player

Component Rotation
rotatePart, part#, speed, minAngle, maxAngle, startingAngle

This will make a part rotate back and forth between two angles.
part#: the number of the bit you want to rotate
speed: if this is positive the object will start rotating clockwise. If it's negative the object will start rotating counter clockwise.
min/max Angle: is these numbers are the same then the part will rotate continually. Otherwise it will bounce back and forth between the two angles.
startingAngle: is the position relative to min and max that the piece's original angle is considered to be.
e.g: rotatePart, 3, -0.1, 0, 0, 1 This will make part 3 continually rotate slowly counter clockwise.

rotatePartToShip, part#
This will make the part track the player. This pretty much keeps the part always pointing at the player. Do not use with lasers!

Component Effects
makeInvincible, part#, part#, etc

Makes all parts listed immune to player fire.

makeSwitch, part#, target1, target2, etc

When part# is blown up all targets blow up.

e.g makeSwitch, 3,2,5,6,4 when part 3 is blown up parts 2,5,6 and 4 will also explode. This can be used to blow up invincible segments.

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 11:13 am
by Sasadad
In the past this was helpful to new players, but it is in need of an update because of all the new commands. rycuda, are you still active so that you can update this?