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Forum Rules

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 5:18 pm
by asdasdg
This is a general guideline of forum rules to supplement the FAQ.

Spamming on the forums is one of the most common rule violations. Sometimes the first couple of offences will result in warnings and/or the post(s) being deleted. Continuation of this will result in a ban (length usually indefident but can be adjusted based upon several factors).
Q: What constitutes spamming?
A: Spamming can be a number of different things. Copying and pasting significant amounts of another post and using it as your own, the use of advertisement links in your signature, as well as just posting something completly unrelated to the original topic.

Off Topic Posts
Also known as spamming and results in similar consequences.

Abusive language
Well, anything profane/obscene/insulting/rude. If you don't have something kind to say, my guess is that you probably shouldn't post it in the first place. Most profanity discovered in a post is subject to removal and a warning being issued. If you feel offended by what someone else posted, please report it.

Yes one can be banned for excessive reporting. If you are a person who constantly reports things that don't require the attention of a Moderator/Administrator you are subject to be banned. So please don't abuse this feature as it makes things easier for The Team.

Please note that these are only guidelines and that they are subject to change at any time. Thanks for your attention.

The Team.

Re: Forum Rules

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 2:57 pm
by asdasdg
asdasdg wrote:use of advertisement links in your signature
Advertisement links specificly refer to links directing people to download sites and shopping sites. Really, if people want to shop online, they could chose what website they want to shop at. Also, the advertisement doesn't have to be part of your signature; it CAN be part of the post.