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Levels Created (3)

NameRatingTypePlaysSuccess rateMsgsDate
Play Hidden
action11849%12010-01-17  12:27
Play ZetaFlow-untitled
8755%2010-01-17  08:52
Play +++++++++++++++++++
action7973%2010-01-17  03:40

Bookmarked Levels

Singid25Play Laser dodge

Levels Won

UsernameNameWinsBest Time


Best Lives


mgPlay Hidden281.82 / ∞1
otogiPlay my weapon system138.86675 / ∞
mgPlay +++++++++++++++++++352.83330 / ∞
otogiPlay jamming2115.14 / ∞
raz3124Play Super Ultra Mega Hot Fury Shuriken178.23336 / ∞
ronhozPlay Grannys little pet, / dino1109.93 / 42
otogiPlay battle capsule big weapon1208.666725 / ∞2
@=magnus=@Play bob149.83330 / ∞
otogiPlay spiritual blue star1104.43330 / ∞
asdasdgPlay ???136.16671 / ∞3
BixterPlay The Hidden Secrets of Miur1175.76679 / 10