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Levels Created (10)

NameRatingTypePlaysSuccess rateMsgsDate
Play Bleh... just practicing
5840%2011-08-01  19:17
Play LEVEL 3: Pulsing Earth
series21316%52010-06-25  15:53
Play LEVEL 2: Sky Spirit
series7842%2010-04-23  15:39
Play LEVEL 1: The Water Orb
series14741%2010-04-17  17:56
Play LEVEL 6: Phantom's Mask
series1368%2010-04-03  19:56
Play LEVEL 5: The Last Cherry Blossom
series11242%2010-04-03  13:54
Play LEVEL 4: Heaven's Light
series17630%2010-03-31  22:29
Play LEVEL 3: Face Of Gaia
series15424%2010-03-31  22:28
Play LEVEL 1: Magic Pentagram
series13817%2010-03-31  22:25
Play LEVEL 2: Haunted Energy
series9915%2010-03-31  22:24

Levels Won

UsernameNameWinsBest Time


Best Lives


spyro101Play pick a core!17.36670 / ∞1
coconut219Play alpha-orange171.23337 / ∞1
PhantomPlay LEVEL 3: Pulsing Earth4209.31 / 55
hit10Play strange319.36670 / ∞
j200006110Play SPIDER MAN173.56675 / ∞
TL10 11Play SPINNING ORANGE THING1131.67 / ∞4
asdasdgPlay Rotating Crystal118.76670 / ∞
asdasdgPlay the changing colors126.23331 / ∞2
tmrocksPlay flower129.33330 / ∞
asdasdgPlay happy birthday!18.30 / ∞
asdasdgPlay the Medal18.50 / 0
PhantomPlay LEVEL 2: Sky Spirit132.36671 / 5
crazybunnyPlay The shakey big round circle193.03330 / ∞
PhantomPlay LEVEL 1: The Water Orb151.66670 / 5
ryo3Play wisp178.66675 / 0
striderscreedPlay ZetaFlow-untitled117.11 / ∞
PhantomPlay LEVEL 5: The Last Cherry Blossom274.23331 / 5
PhantomPlay LEVEL 4: Heaven's Light222.82 / 5
PhantomPlay LEVEL 3: Face Of Gaia147.06673 / 5
PhantomPlay LEVEL 1: Magic Pentagram171.03333 / 5
rc 56 scorchPlay Suprise!1136.766710 / ∞1
raz3124Play Ultimate Guardian of the World of Pain1134.966718 / ∞
rc 56 scorchPlay Friendly station=Enemy ship attack1169.066710 / ∞5
asdasdgPlay the colorful factory134.20 / ∞
asdasdgPlay olympic rings141.36670 / ∞
asdasdgPlay the party120.86672 / ∞
raz3124Play Ruins Guardian125.16671 / ∞2
asdasdgPlay rainbow121.60 / 0
otogiPlay circle122.56670 / ∞1
ryo3Play Dark Prism156.72 / 5
SupertycoonPlay My first bot.1134.49 / 103
MouziPlay Isometric Art11.96670 / 01
sasadadPlay ~ZetaFlow~163.63330 / 0
GeissPlay Water Ripple - A TwinRapid Art Level18.13333 / ∞
MouziPlay Sprite parts (example)1130 / 01