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Levels Created (7)

NameRatingTypePlaysSuccess rateMsgsDate
Play Alien Ship
15462%42016-05-27  11:01
Play your nightmare
action10052%2016-05-25  07:08
Play arm weapon
action7054%2015-05-16  07:24
Play bulldozer
7862%2015-05-15  04:52
Play Centrifugal
7060%2015-05-14  09:17
Play starfighter
6075%2015-05-13  09:14
Play spaceship
5178%2015-05-12  09:01

Bookmarked Levels


Levels Won

UsernameNameWinsBest Time


Best Lives


SpeedemonPlay The Core 2 redux121.46675 / 53
KittyBeastPlay Slasher1134.96675 / 105
KittyBeastPlay Pressure release11194 / 10
KittyBeastPlay Charge161.33332 / 5
antikukaPlay Alien Ship1240.56670 / ∞4
antikukaPlay your nightmare283.73331 / ∞
KittyBeastPlay Despair1263.233317 / ∞2
KittyBeastPlay Aircraft197.52 / 53
KittyBeastPlay 3D-test191.23330 / 01
KittyBeastPlay Waves: Lasers1197.77 / 10
RattolordPlay I be Creative :^)200 / ∞1
KittyBeastPlay Mutated Guns - #3 Raycaster1117.24 / 10
KittyBeastPlay Mutated Guns - #2 Pulse168.03332 / 10
KittyBeastPlay Mutated Guns - #1 Dual spray184.26676 / 10
KittyBeastPlay Tri-attack1156.43337 / 10
KittyBeastPlay Gunfire1122.06676 / 10
KittyBeastPlay Bullethell mk21186.73337 / 102
ryo3Play Your Best Nightmare1687.333364 / ∞
Gergely04Play Fighter Helicopter1140.86 / ∞
AyleeyenPlay Incredibly Obscure and Spammy/Annoying B [...]1137.766711 / ∞1
driller51Play Be carueful with the arms!183.83332 / ∞
antikukaPlay bulldozer553.56671 / ∞
negizaPlay potroh379.76674 / ∞
antikukaPlay Centrifugal330.16670 / ∞
antikukaPlay starfighter161.93333 / ∞
negizaPlay atom brutál194.72 / ∞
negizaPlay 1176.23330 / ∞
antikukaPlay spaceship465.70 / ∞
zxzx89002Play Pros Only:Bullet Rush Harrier1130.66679 / ∞
KittyBeastPlay Spaceship: Absorb1175.68 / 105
KittyBeastPlay Series: Heavy (5)170.92 / 5
KittyBeastPlay Series: Heavy (4)147.61 / 5
KittyBeastPlay Series: Heavy (3)137.80 / 5
KittyBeastPlay Series: Heavy (2)136.20 / 5
KittyBeastPlay Series: Heavy (1)(Easy)121.50 / 5
KittyBeastPlay Level 1 (KittyBeast Version)112.46670 / 5
KittyBeastPlay Level 0 (KittyBeast Version)115.50 / 51
MDPlay Hammerhead Harrier2266.266715 / ∞12
johnchcheung2Play ZetaFlow-untitled441109.33331 / 3
ryo3Play Barrage 2166.63330 / ∞
mr.teoPlay forviring1127.13331 / 2
MDPlay Run137.81 / 4