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Levels Created (62)

NameRatingTypePlaysSuccess rateMsgsDate
Play Base Attack
action24436%2008-09-18  17:21
Play Phenoix Class Battleship
action24967%2008-09-18  16:22
Play Planet Attack
action16063%2008-09-18  15:46
Play lol?
8276%2008-06-17  13:32
Play Giant battleship
action12839%2008-06-16  16:19
Play heheheHAHAHAHA!
action9014%2008-06-16  16:05
Play Particle Cannon
action7067%2008-06-16  15:16
Play Battleship Geniave
action6871%2008-06-16  15:11
Play Space station (kill core to leave)
art11657%2008-06-16  12:50
Play Robot
action7041%2008-06-16  08:42
Play Da giant turret fixed
action8467%2008-06-16  08:24
Play Level 9
series16638%2008-06-16  08:19
Play Level 8
series9366%2008-06-15  19:26
Play Level 7
series9263%2008-06-15  19:01
Play Level 6 Boss The Eagle
series12758%2008-06-15  18:54
Play Level 5
series11168%2008-06-15  18:48
Play Level 4
series11653%2008-06-15  18:42
Play Level 3
series11075%2008-06-15  18:38
Play Level 2
series10084%2008-06-15  18:35
Play Level 1
series13178%2008-06-15  18:33
Play USS Enterprise
action13945%2008-06-15  17:40
Play Destroy Earth!
action26431%2008-06-15  17:03
Play Battleship Kiawarp
action9073%2008-06-15  16:44
Play Battleship ZetaSpace
action9471%2008-06-15  16:37
Play Battleship Goldfire
action10368%2008-06-15  16:12
Play Helicopter
action8767%2008-06-15  16:04
Play Counter-attack
series8178%2008-06-15  14:26
Play Homeworld under attack
series9169%2008-06-15  14:13
Play the remaining fleet
series9976%2008-06-15  14:10
Play Escape the core
series12068%2008-06-15  14:05
Play The Final battle
series14449%2008-06-15  13:57
Play Battle of the core
series12340%2008-06-15  13:51
Play To the core!!
series12465%2008-06-15  13:47
Play A unexpected encouter
series11475%2008-06-15  13:42
Play inside the space staton
series12462%2008-06-15  10:15
Play Getting past the sheilds
series11444%2008-06-15  10:03
Play Fleet V3.0
action11159%2008-06-15  09:36
Play Its invisible!
action1088%2008-06-15  09:10
Play neearly invincible
action11836%2008-06-15  09:03
Play Really harder than it looks (laggy)
action13927%2008-06-15  08:59
Play Death Star
action3110.32%12008-06-14  21:57
Play SFL-190 Slicefire
action11468%2008-06-14  19:32
Play SFL-65 Firefly
action7865%2008-06-14  19:22
Play Heavy fortress Lv 2-2
series13236%2008-06-14  08:25
Play Fortess Lv 2-1
series7676%2008-06-14  08:14
Play The X-defender Lv 1-1
series8377%2008-06-14  08:03
Play Sheildship Lv 1-4
series6764%2008-06-14  07:59
Play BOSS bird of prey Lv 1-5
series12838%2008-06-14  07:59
Play Sheildship
series8564%2008-06-14  07:53
Play Gunship Lv1-3
series8475%2008-06-14  07:47
Play Rocket fighter Lv1-2
series14652%2008-06-14  07:42
Play The X-defender
series6466%2008-06-14  07:36
Play Fleet V2.0
action7847%2008-06-13  22:49
Play Fleet
action7161%2008-06-13  22:37
series9213%2008-06-13  21:07
Play Teh Super ultra heavy fighter
series7624%2008-06-13  20:57
Play Small fighter
series10452%2008-06-13  19:21
Play Heavy Scout
series9270%2008-06-13  19:12
Play Scout
8667%2008-06-13  19:05
Play Battleship
1318%2008-06-13  13:51
Play Space Station
16964%2008-06-13  12:17
Play Battlefleet
16524%2008-06-13  11:55

Bookmarked Levels


Levels Won

UsernameNameWinsBest Time


Best Lives


kidpokePlay imperial star destroyer185.76671 / ∞
otogiPlay Face stick171.36674 / ∞
james510Play Phenoix Class Battleship182.36672 / 5
James510Play Planet Attack190.83337 / 20
James510Play Space Station277.26 / 20