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Levels Created (66)

NameRatingTypePlaysSuccess rateMsgsDate
Play lol eazy
action13255%2008-10-30  08:12
Play doble tri beam lasser (normal)
9222%2008-10-30  08:05
Play doble tri beam lasser (xpert)
9245%2008-10-30  08:04
Play doble tri beam lasser (monster)
7549%2008-10-30  08:03
Play doble tri beam lasser (feet man)
6748%2008-10-30  08:02
Play doble tri beam lasser (litle man)
9815%2008-10-30  08:01
Play 1,2,3 STOPP 1,2,3, STOPP
action12540%2008-10-28  08:47
Play ZetaFlow`s VIRUS KILLER
action11358%2008-10-28  08:37
17428%2008-10-26  09:49
Play tis is no hard
action2459%2008-09-09  09:17
Play wall.e
action14933%2008-09-07  11:50
Play ?????? ho
action15930%2008-09-07  11:11
2217%2008-09-06  01:59
Play kung fu panda
action14253%2008-08-15  05:29
Play ice elemental
action15957%2008-07-10  04:04
Play CORS WARPARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
action9965%2008-06-16  14:31
Play lasserbokkingking
action15455%2008-06-16  08:00
Play 2 swords
action14117%2008-06-15  10:25
Play forcefiefieldline ,circle bokker to mov [...]
action11350%2008-06-15  10:06
Play 2 monster shipp
action34911%2008-06-15  07:13
action27656%2008-05-24  06:05
Play computer virus
action12125%2008-05-18  09:03
Play  best kingstar inn solar system
action18254%2008-05-15  08:16
Play 3, TOCIX shipp (hvait)1 min
action1179%2008-05-13  13:02
Play gunn shipp (hvait)30 sek
action14126%2008-05-13  07:03
Play ZetaFlow-untitled`s best Singularity
action9454%2008-05-04  12:01
Play rain bow
action7944%2008-05-02  09:47
Play 1 mai min burstag !!!!!! + kul bane
action11762%2008-05-01  06:50
Play ultra hard little imppossible
art94undefeated2008-05-01  02:40
Play tate rate(no surender!!!!!)
series11845%2008-05-01  02:31
Play harrd of the benji (ganng)
action10923%2008-04-26  10:07
Play energy boos
action16753%2008-04-22  06:44
Play magick king
action13719%2008-04-19  00:44
Play eazy very eazy dio
puzzle14230%2008-04-18  13:00
Play best of the vapon itligent big ultra laz [...]
action12257%2008-04-18  12:47
action25862%2008-04-18  12:35
Play 0 switjer [...]
tutorial12240%2008-04-09  08:29
Play toot noooooddde
action8131%2008-04-09  08:13
Play monster spider (shot the head - and kill [...]
action13728%2008-04-08  08:33
Play spread king (boos spread)
puzzle14415%2008-04-08  07:33
Play nitro car ultra wapon
action11619%2008-04-08  07:02
Play 0 svitcer ?
action13421%2008-04-02  08:06
Play o------------ snopper--------------o
art32242%2008-03-31  08:55
Play triple shoter (big)
action13064%2008-03-29  03:23
Play big søn ( possible)
action8637%2008-03-28  09:12
Play 2 missil towers god very god
action9915%2008-03-27  09:45
Play flaying fire stone(eletrick)
action8429%2008-03-26  09:23
Play super UFO 4000,1000
action13738%2008-03-25  07:31
Play fire robot ultra lasser bloking and elet [...]
action12017%2008-03-25  06:23
Play you vs you ultra big
action10521%2008-03-23  06:15
Play cool jedi mini gønn
series11926%2008-03-18  03:57
Play lasser spider
action11440%2008-03-17  09:09
Play custome basse
series16157%2008-03-17  08:22
Play litle panda
action11148%2008-03-17  06:10
Play padvan (jedi je maigick bok)
action16543%2008-03-17  05:26
Play take en kill the boos fly
action16426%2008-03-16  15:37
Play master joda (golden jedi),craft
action11133%2008-03-16  05:35
Play master Bug (jedi master)
action10911%2008-03-16  05:34
Play ICE MANN(jedi goblin)
10232%2008-03-16  03:43
Play the Emperor (jedi)
action10722%2008-03-15  18:17
Play big floood
action14839%2008-03-15  15:24
Play feet turtel
action28410%2007-12-11  08:49
Play hard training
action25822%2007-10-20  02:19
Play knick er 500000 hit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
action29113%2007-10-16  06:54
Play elektrik mann
action22117%2007-10-14  11:17
Play flay
21917%2007-10-14  08:35

Bookmarked Levels


Levels Won

UsernameNameWinsBest Time


Best Lives


asdasdgPlay Zetaflow pipe dream149.66672 / ∞1
MouziPlay Multipart trigger (example)123.33330 / ∞1
MouziPlay Shield Counter133.73330 / 04
ryo3Play ame1153.03332 / ∞
MDPlay Minimalist: Brusque128.56671 / ∞6
sasadadPlay Xero "Eye"127.33331 / ∞1
NARFPlay Security Eye135.76671 / 13
moddiusPlay ZetaFlow`s VIRUS KILLER183.33338 / 10
sasadadPlay Spirit of Fire138.16670 / 5
sasadadPlay Simple Death Command Droid134.03332 / ∞
MouziPlay Multiple Enemies (example)1872 / ∞
sasadadPlay UltraComplex Line Movement114.06670 / 01
moddiusPlay tate rate(no surender!!!!!)117.30 / 3
moddiusPlay ENERGI BOSS148.30 / ∞
moddiusPlay monster spider (shot the head - and kill [...]258.43332 / ∞
moddiusPlay super UFO 4000,1000136.96674 / ∞
moddiusPlay you vs you ultra big1120.03334 / ∞
moddiusPlay lasser spider130.66671 / ∞
MouziPlay Ultimate Defence 3261.411 / ∞8
MDPlay [4 levels] Farm130.03330 / 03
sasadadPlay My New Damage Idea121.70 / 5
moddiusPlay knick er 500000 hit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1187.911 / 25
moddiusPlay flay178.66676 / 25
MDPlay Centripetal Bond131.03332 / 53