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Levels Created (7)

NameRatingTypePlaysSuccess rateMsgsDate
Play Ghost Destroyer
108016%32009-11-03  14:42
Play Doom Orchid
15665%2009-07-25  20:19
Play Poisonous Sea Anemone
art17661%2009-07-23  20:38
Play Lazr Wyrm !!!!!!!!!
art17165%2009-07-23  18:55
Play Turqoise BattleCraft
art10875%2009-07-23  15:07
Play Big Red Bomb
art15071%2009-07-23  14:44
Play ZetaFlow-My first level
6569%2009-07-23  12:13

Bookmarked Levels


Levels Won

UsernameNameWinsBest Time


Best Lives


raz3124Play D.X.U Deluxe189.66672 / ∞1
jodiPlay drill core153.33331 / ∞
raz3124Play Jitter lock133.86673 / ∞
raz3124Play Supa shotgun maniac153.93330 / ∞
raz3124Play You got a chaoz emerald!29.83330 / ∞
benjaminsaundersPlay dont shoot at it!!!!141.03333 / ∞
raz3124Play Superjet!!!!!!121.36670 / ∞
raz3124Play The ultimate fighter141.20 / ∞
raz3124Play Just a core with a fan......16.76670 / ∞
zetaPlay ZetaFlow protector167.10 / ∞
cheesePlay icecream!212.03330 / ∞3
jodiPlay random weapons1141.36671 / ∞
raz3124Play Beginner's Level:Finale:Ganon119.63330 / ∞1
ryo3Play Flog168.63332 / 5
razrbladr2Play Ghost Destroyer1178.63338 / ∞3
raz3124Play Crusher Vs Crusher?1240 / 1
raz3124Play THE War Ship132.26670 / 1
audun123Play mission 2: the contining118.73330 / ∞
audun123Play mission 1: a eassy start114.63330 / ∞
francisPlay rien32.13330 / ∞
viktorke7Play osynlo189.91 / ∞1
otogiPlay I wish...127.36670 / ∞2
raz3124Play Single Shot Art1911 / ∞
DieefnPlay Medium sized battleship1178.333310 / 15
ronhozPlay this is not a toy154.83333 / ∞
otogiPlay zeta flow simple art161.96673 / ∞
raz3124Play What was that noise?140.30 / ∞2
raz3124Play Flow Destroy With Health Bar33.50 / ∞1
raz3124Play if u cant beat it with lasers movable1157.92 / ∞3
oreoPlay circles1165.314 / 55
sistenPlay ship destroyer AL-651113.92 / ∞
sistenPlay brick green lv1 orange lv2 red lv3147.73333 / 14
raz3124Play giangantic ship single shot version160.56670 / ∞1
sistenPlay GP-70 UpLevel166.73332 / ∞
kcunningham04Play Beat This.256.03330 / 32
raz3124Play Striker Power Omega!!!1433.666769 / ∞2
sistenPlay upgrade (new)149.26673 / ∞
XxoriginxXPlay Sapphire Defender1146.83335 / ∞3
XxoriginxXPlay Ruby Destroyer199.26679 / ∞2
XxoriginxXPlay Emerald Nightmare172.03334 / ∞
raigon50Play GoaNou150.93331 / ∞
asdasdgPlay spreadlaunchers1126.66679 / 20
razrbladr2Play Doom Orchid176.21 / ∞
Zero557Play Big Fishie131.20 / ∞
user 123Play electric obliterator198.96674 / ∞
Zero557Play Twicky 2140.46671 / ∞1
02Play X-3173.73331 / ∞3
razrbladr2Play Poisonous Sea Anemone366.40 / ∞
razrbladr2Play Lazr Wyrm !!!!!!!!!276.70 / ∞
razrbladr2Play Turqoise BattleCraft152.96670 / ∞
razrbladr2Play Big Red Bomb244.60 / ∞
razrbladr2Play ZetaFlow-My first level230.71 / ∞
user 123Play layers final125.26670 / ∞
BugsPlay Boomgyro1191 / ∞
user 123Play Zeta Flow Amped124.46671 / ∞
user 123Play hard125.31 / ∞
BugsPlay The killer1115.83335 / ∞
BugsPlay Hailstorm(REALLY HARD)1306.433336 / ∞
BugsPlay You must fight yourself232.33331 / ∞
user 123Play layers125.63330 / 5
rey-atila-jrPlay The Mutant Monster1230.43337 / ∞
raz3124Play core fighter (the cores are the health)129.46671 / ∞
raz3124Play  crystal battle 1179.06672 / ∞
BugsPlay Killer Kloud Finale1402.666728 / ∞
MouziPlay Rhombus5192.33334 / ∞
02Play boss11158.23333 / ∞1
hit9Play green destroyer1173.333316 / ∞2
ryo2Play S.E.N.K.A.N1247.53335 / ∞
Zero557Play ???2101.63330 / ∞
curtPlay Swine-Flu1250.566713 / ∞3
Zero557Play Next Gen136.36672 / ∞
Zero557Play Easy Peasy Japanese149.23331 / 1
raz3124Play do it fast as u can121.43331 / ∞
NARFPlay Quest For The 8 Moons Boss 8180.43331 / 31
MDPlay Minimalist: Brusque130.13331 / ∞6
ryo2Play Microsoft 's assassin1472 / ∞
dadasasPlay Simple Ship128.91 / ∞
sasadadPlay Minimalist: Spectrum1309.26673 / 55
sasadadPlay Xero "Eye"1270 / ∞1
kirill2525Play death bug1203.633312 / 60
raz3124Play CARRIER AQW! (beatable)1201.666723 / ∞1
raz3124Play secret weapon171.96673 / ∞
ryoPlay YAMATANO OROCHI1108.36671 / 8
hit9Play pretection179.53332 / 7
ryoPlay 巨大戦艦1143.93336 / 61
fractalPlay the awfull oddbox returns!1115.63331 / 3
raz3124Play spiral of doom154.23330 / 01
ryoPlay P-85改1126.63339 / 92
robipuuhPlay Digit MOnster129.76670 / 0
ryoPlay Double arm chainsaw178.76674 / 6
ryoPlay cogwheel3139.26671 / 9
XKat20Play Robotic Arm (WIP)2100.73330 / 2
n3cr0m33p5Play Box Transfer129.33330 / ∞
MouziPlay Isometric Art130 / 01
jon99977Play laser clock165.86676 / ∞
jon99977Play destroy the boble115.70 / ∞
malenenshadowPlay top wep down switch left armor right for [...]110.60 / 0
MouziPlay Multiple Enemies (example)181.63331 / ∞
sasadadPlay UltraComplex Line Movement221.93330 / 01
MouziPlay Spectrum Puzzle166.83330 / 0
MDPlay Tiered Attack1110.83330 / 11
sasadadPlay Solar System139.26670 / 01
sasadadPlay Enter the Machine- Series139.63331 / 3
MDPlay Rainbow164.96670 / 0
zulagreenPlay the strange fish193.66670 / 0
sasadadPlay ~ZetaFlow~161.80 / 0
sasadadPlay Omega Eradicator197.33334 / 7
sasadadPlay The Processor115.46670 / 0
sasadadPlay Vector Eye-Circle Art180.20 / 0
sasadadPlay Void Eye-Circle Art1156.86670 / 0
sasadadPlay Orbital Core Destroyer193.10 / 2
MouziPlay Resizing (example)121.10 / 0
SethumPlay Road Rash [Art]183.33331 / ∞
MDPlay Quest for Freedom1111.80 / 3
MDPlay [4 levels] Farm225.06670 / 03
MDPlay Simple Sphere189.86671 / 21
sasadadPlay Blob138.36670 / 0
MouziPlay Art Part 4143.53331 / ∞
MouziPlay Art Part 31228.24 / ∞
MouziPlay Art Part 22203.46670 / ∞
GeissPlay Water Ripple - A TwinRapid Art Level14.52 / ∞
wPlay ZetaFlow-magic arm172.03330 / 0
MouziPlay Custom weapon1282.63334 / ∞1
MouziPlay Timing rotation pausing (example)142.36670 / 0
wPlay ZetaFlow-gimic arm124.60 / 0
MDPlay Minimalist: Deceptive Droid131.73331 / 2
redsatoriPlay Pushing the Limits:: Stopping Rotation128.86670 / 0
MouziPlay Art Part 1194.83331 / ∞
MouziPlay Sprite parts (example)137.30 / 01
sasadadPlay My New Damage Idea121.96670 / 5
sasadadPlay Zap Rooms233.10 / 0
HizZlePlay xXX~ROBORACHNOID~XXx1120.96675 / 81
LUDSOEPlay DOOM160.16672 / 6
SymmetryDesignPlay Death Spiral Sequence [Aggressive Model]11565 / ∞
MDPlay Frontal Defense129.83330 / 01
MDPlay Run235.73331 / 4
MDPlay Titanium Torque197.63331 / 51
samusmanPlay Mandible Mayham139.26672 / 41
samusmanPlay Central Core127.80 / 0
samusmanPlay blazer123.10 / 5
samusmanPlay Core Lazer179.23330 / 5
MDPlay Centripetal Bond225.43330 / 53
GazuPlay Gazutron136.56672 / 5