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Levels Created (6)

NameRatingTypePlaysSuccess rateMsgsDate
Play Battleship
action8148%2009-12-11  13:02
Play Armored battlecore Challange
7719%22009-10-31  09:51
Play Armored Battleship Challenge
action8016%2009-10-31  09:38
Play Gunship
action16055%2009-10-31  06:54
Play Basic gunship test
action6975%2009-10-30  19:12
Play Medium sized battleship
action22932%2009-10-30  19:07

Bookmarked Levels

ronhozPlay Grannys little pet, / dino

Levels Won

UsernameNameWinsBest Time


Best Lives


DieefnPlay Battleship189.36675 / 5
Darth EPlay OMG! This one is hella hard!12.73330 / 06
PandaPlay ButterFly Effect199.43337 / ∞
DieefnPlay Armored battlecore Challange1142.225 / ∞2
otogiPlay I wish...427.06670 / ∞2
DieefnPlay Gunship1097.66672 / 5
ryo3Play Impossible CHALLENGE2117.93333 / 10
raz3124Play Single Shot Art1117.86670 / ∞
DieefnPlay Basic gunship test330.76670 / 2
raz3124Play Its Me Again!478.40 / ∞2
DieefnPlay Medium sized battleship6136.76674 / 15
ronhozPlay yuiox254.74 / ∞1
otogiPlay opus 21 with my friends4198.18 / ∞2
ronhozPlay TURTEL IN SPACE146.66673 / ∞
raz3124Play Entropy244.56670 / ∞
ronhozPlay eygyten191.96 / ∞
raz3124Play ArmMaster321.90 / ∞
ronhozPlay twinz138.43333 / ∞
ronhozPlay this is not a toy190.33338 / ∞
wallacolooPlay ZetaFlow-untitled1205.63337 / ∞
ronhozPlay noxy240.83330 / 1
pet321Play death 2.01209.633311 / ∞
wallacolooPlay A Calm Beginning1238.533328 / ∞2
wallacolooPlay Close, but not too close!288.76675 / ∞4
gnistPlay ZetaFlow1136.36 / ∞1
raz3124Play Plane Dasher49.03330 / ∞1
raz3124Play 2 Gunners And 1 Stealth Gunner218.33330 / ∞
kidpokePlay you vs clone part1168.46670 / 02
Firestorm258Play My First One145.53 / ∞2
wallacolooPlay just past the barrier1119.54 / ∞
wallacolooPlay Kepp Your Distance1160.73339 / ∞
raz3124Play MINIBOSS:GUNNER SHIELD168.46670 / ∞
raz3124Play Enemie:Battle Airship129.40 / ∞
otogiPlay zeta flow simple art169.43332 / ∞
raz2000Play Im Learning Rotate Parts211.73330 / ∞1
raz3124Play Custom Level 1131.30 / ∞
otogiPlay ZetaFlow 4th boss 149.12 / ∞
raz3124Play What was that noise?235.83330 / ∞2
raz3124Play Beat This One It Is Easy1163.33333 / ∞2
raz3124Play Zeta Knight123.50 / ∞1
PinedasPlay Box132.66671 / ∞4
Zero557Play Twicky1111.23 / ∞
MDPlay Minimalist: Brusque129.26670 / ∞6
MouziPlay Resizing (example)119.13330 / 0
MDPlay Quest for Freedom1112.76672 / 3
snotspotPlay dggfgfdcvrdfvb140 / 0
MDPlay Centripetal Bond147.93333 / 53