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Levels Created (32)

NameRatingTypePlaysSuccess rateMsgsDate
Play BeatBox
art6983%2013-05-15  09:48
Play Ninja style
action6436%2013-05-15  09:37
Play Laser Beam
action4869%2013-05-15  05:11
Play Testing level :D
action5476%2013-05-08  09:38
Play Astral Ship
action7951%12013-05-08  09:23
Play Exogeneship 1
action6832%12013-05-08  04:13
Play Rotating Boss Ship
action8744%12013-05-08  04:00
Play Spread illusion
art5175%2012-06-23  16:54
Play Error Error Illusion Error
art6847%2012-06-23  16:49
Play Core illusion
art6664%12012-06-23  16:42
Play Another core shooting level :D
art3650%12012-06-23  16:39
Play Zetaflow Gun/Speed Testing
art10556%2012-06-21  13:43
Play Battle Ship *New*
action7753%22012-06-18  23:53
Play Battle Ship
action17130%92012-06-18  07:43
Play the helping shield
action8452%2011-03-23  13:56
Play ultimate wild ship
action9255%62010-09-12  12:23
Play the stormerneiter
action852%72010-02-16  05:28
Play level 30
action8560%2010-02-03  08:29
Play wild guns
action12117%2009-12-31  16:28
Play zetaflow gun and spread boss 1
action11421%2009-12-28  14:40
Play the legendary lasers
action13052%2009-12-25  11:05
Play can you clear it
action8558%2009-12-25  10:29
Play the boss and the level 1 exspert
action795%2009-12-18  09:27
Play momomomomomomwje
action7532%12009-12-16  13:27
Play lololololoolol
action6472%2009-12-16  04:14
Play zetaflow boss
action8518%12009-12-14  08:04
Play scorp
action29210%2009-11-13  12:00
Play level12
action8578%2009-11-13  06:12
Play laser
action14014%12009-11-13  05:11
Play lvl1
action4582%2009-11-12  14:08
Play lv1
series4869%12009-11-12  14:02
Play the robot
tutorial8644%12009-11-12  12:41

Bookmarked Levels


Levels Won

UsernameNameWinsBest Time


Best Lives


tidusPlay BeatBox227.23330 / ∞
tidusPlay Laser Beam219.63331 / ∞
tidusPlay Testing level :D18.13330 / ∞
tidusPlay Astral Ship456.66675 / ∞1
tidusPlay Exogeneship 1257.16674 / ∞1
tidusPlay Rotating Boss Ship557.06673 / ∞1
geriPlay ZetaFlow-untitled 41116.53336 / ∞
qeasPlay Choose you with a color182.233312 / ∞2
asdasdgPlay Stay absolutly still....132.20 / ∞
tidusPlay Spread illusion44.73330 / ∞
tidusPlay Error Error Illusion Error121.14 / ∞
tidusPlay Core illusion123.33 / ∞1
tidusPlay Another core shooting level :D17.03331 / ∞1
KampurPlay Waffle-ship132.70 / ∞1
tidusPlay Zetaflow Gun/Speed Testing203.26670 / ∞
tidusPlay Battle Ship *New*968.73333 / ∞2
tidusPlay Battle Ship487.36675 / ∞9
KittyBeastPlay Spacebot: VR30-22103.26678 / ∞1
KittyBeastPlay Spaceship: Ex-360-180y1120.83338 / ∞1
KittyBeastPlay Spaceship: OH-X41142.266712 / ∞1
KittyBeastPlay Waves: SingleShot1149.76674 / ∞1
qeasPlay Rapid Firing weapon265.13332 / ∞
KittyBeastPlay TimeRepeat-test151.76672 / ∞1
KittyBeastPlay Helicopter157.11 / ∞2
qeasPlay teleportation core18.26670 / ∞1
KittyBeastPlay Supergun-test1220.033316 / ∞1
fotballfredPlay min første131.26670 / ∞
kulesebPlay multi gun157.73332 / ∞1
KittyBeastPlay Waves-test2176.86678 / ∞4
KittyBeastPlay Megaship-test129.71 / ∞1
qeasPlay CoreGun26.73331 / ∞
gabork.Play twin rapids114.92 / ∞
asdasdgPlay choose your battle144.86671 / ∞4
tidusPlay the helping shield1175.566712 / ∞
coconut219Play rocket145.26670 / ∞
xsuomixPlay electrity enemy142.13330 / 5
MouziPlay Inversed (Level 7)241.16673 / ∞2
tidusPlay ultimate wild ship2100.86679 / 106
PeedlePlay Solar Cannon332.23335 / ∞
nhftk12Play Mr. line123.10 / ∞
spyro101Play rise of spyro101, fall of the good drago [...]192.76673 / ∞1
hit10Play Mecha Dragon1161.133314 / ∞13
tidusPlay level 30858.11 / ∞
raz3124Play Things go faster119.43330 / ∞
raz3124Play Beam doppelganger2143.90 / ∞3
PeedlePlay Spiderbot174.70 / ∞
asdasdgPlay zeta rebellion p9129.66671 / 2
asdasdgPlay zeta rebellion p8129.31 / 32
asdasdgPlay rainbow145.36670 / 0
raz3124Play Mystic1123.36674 / ∞4
asdasdgPlay mover188.76672 / ∞
asdasdgPlay zeta rebellion p7170.66672 / 6
asdasdgPlay the zeta Rebellion p61127.63331 / 5
asdasdgPlay zeta rebellion p5198.83332 / 5
asdasdgPlay zeta rebellion p41112.53335 / 5
asdasdgPlay zeta rebellion p3143.11 / 52
asdasdgPlay the zeta rebellion p2164.83333 / 5
PeedlePlay Bats!125.21 / ∞
asdasdgPlay the Zeta Rebellion158.73332 / 5
tidusPlay wild guns1475.666729 / ∞
otogiPlay choice! 2191.133311 / ∞2
raz3124Play Power ball321.36670 / ∞
tidusPlay the legendary lasers2871.56674 / ∞
raz3124Play Heavy Armed1501 / ∞
benjaminsaundersPlay pod1149.866718 / ∞1
asdasdgPlay the mirror...1211.56671 / 51
asdasdgPlay counterstrike p9176.16673 / 10
otogiPlay Mr. armstrong137.73331 / ∞3
asdasdgPlay the machine...273.26671 / 5
raz3124Play Spiker128.10 / ∞
raz3124Play Small Ship110.70 / ∞
raz3124Play One hard level. (Believe it!)248.06675 / ∞
raz3124Play Pike Striker171.03331 / ∞
asdasdgPlay The Beast...242.30 / 62
tidusPlay momomomomomomwje1230.733323 / ∞1
tidusPlay lololololoolol627.63332 / ∞
otogiPlay opus 2311536 / ∞2
gnomePlay easy but tricky272.56672 / 91
raz3124Play Kannonbal (lol level)318.33330 / ∞
raz3124Play This kicks butt!271.66674 / ∞
raz3124Play Basic Defense 23220 / ∞
raz3124Play Falcon:wings fly120.26670 / ∞
raz3124Play Guardian Turret160.86674 / ∞
raz3124Play Simple level 2115.43330 / ∞
ryo3Play samidare146.82 / 10
benjaminsaundersPlay levels 1,2,and 31483.833315 / ∞
raz3124Play Power flyer331.83330 / ∞
a1Play where is it ??????!!!!!!150.03330 / ∞
raz3124Play Raz3124 round 11102.06674 / ∞1
raz3124Play Raz3124's seventh guardian267.23 / ∞
raz3124Play Raz3124's fifth guardian2111.133311 / ∞
asdasdgPlay fighters255.96672 / 5
maxgalvezPlay ZetaFlow-untitled277.53332 / ∞
raz3124Play Superjet!!!!!!222.03330 / ∞
raz3124Play Destroy the core before twinrapid!182.03336 / ∞
raz3124Play The ultimate fighter172.86673 / ∞
benjaminsaundersPlay follow167.33334 / ∞
raz3124Play Para Bomber236.03330 / ∞
asdasdgPlay baraks2175.06674 / 5
otogiPlay 6 stranger and 2 guardians198.86 / ∞
raz3124Play Security Light119.63331 / ∞1
raz3124Play Waypoints problem16.33330 / ∞
raz3124Play Shield Of Rocket133.63330 / ∞
raz3124Play Twinrapid Core145.13332 / ∞
umphersjosephPlay level134121.76670 / ∞
raz3124Play Medium Potion183.73333 / ∞
tidusPlay level121918.06670 / ∞
tidusPlay lvl1106.46670 / ∞
tidusPlay lv1926.70 / 01
tidusPlay the robot12150.66670 / ∞1
ryo3Play Impossible CHALLENGE132.70 / 10
ryo3Play CRAZY169.76672 / ∞
ronhozPlay TURTEL IN SPACE136.86672 / ∞
ryo3Play ZetaFlow-boss31169.76679 / 10
N-5nPlay QQQQQQ138.70 / ∞1
raz2000Play Med-Hard Level: Obstacle Course Boss171.93336 / ∞
N-5nPlay MIMIMI!!!!!!!!157.23334 / ∞
N-5nPlay gegege155.93333 / ∞
raz2000Play Medium Level:Brutal Veteran225.80 / ∞1
otogiPlay battle capsule with my secret weapon177.03333 / ∞
otogiPlay little white plane [hit and away]191.63 / ∞
otogiPlay Give me shadow194.86676 / ∞
otogiPlay battle capsule BETA2119.95 / ∞
otogiPlay All Imperfect City2169.76679 / ∞
hit9Play take this!!!!!!1268.833314 / ∞
curtPlay Swine-Flu1353.819 / ∞3
michael2000Play Asteriod belt part 1119.66670 / ∞
sasadadPlay Xero "Eye"125.56670 / ∞1
raz3124Play the last boss1101.13332 / ∞1
raz3124Play basic battle 419.46670 / 0
t0masPlay ooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh [...]173.66670 / 0
rot23Play LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@@@@@@@@ [...]155.93330 / 01
rot23Play HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [...]127.30 / 01
rot23Play My god EASY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [...]137.33330 / 01
nubmePlay Shieldy152.22 / 2
callumPlay the high teck zone142.03330 / 01
raz3124Play sword1110 / 0
ryoPlay TOKOYAMINOSURAMEGI282.36670 / 5
raz3124Play destroy the core123.96670 / 0
raz3124Play mega weapon144.76670 / 0
sistenPlay super hand!!!1183.533312 / 151
sistenPlay LV6130.06670 / 0
James510Play Level 7178.86672 / 3
James510Play Level 6 Boss The Eagle136.93332 / 5
James510Play Level 5253.86672 / 3
James510Play Level 4147.06671 / 3
James510Play Level 3231.51 / 3
James510Play Level 2218.90 / 3
James510Play Level 1414.76670 / 3
NARFPlay Deathspider3149.21 / ∞1
XKat20Play Zetatroid - Switch Smashing210.40 / 0
redsatoriPlay Pushing the Limits:: Straight Line #1 [f [...]125.50 / 01
SkullFace72Play Rocket Ship255.73331 / 2
korazailPlay Achilles192.41 / 21
michaelshum007Play power boss29.53330 / 01
GazuPlay Gazutron431.60 / 5