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Levels Created (18)

NameRatingTypePlaysSuccess rateMsgsDate
Play Fortress.
action20437%22013-04-20  10:53
Play Green tank
action8105%12009-07-21  00:34
Play B.eater
28611%12009-07-16  18:05
Play Dreadnoughts (refined Armada)
action3065%12009-07-13  10:35
Play Armada
action42318%2009-07-11  01:05
Play Flowering wheel
action34317%2009-07-09  10:13
Play Sealer
action28229%12009-07-08  15:49
Play Absolute Defender II H.W.
action55065%22007-10-07  16:30
Play Absolute Defender II
action409122%2007-10-07  12:55
Play Hard Core Jellyfish
action3805%2007-10-06  12:49
Play Dual Head Turtle
action131084%2007-10-05  09:55
Play Circle of death II
puzzle34219%2007-10-04  01:49
Play Daemon's wall
action5508%2007-10-03  20:08
Play eight feet Cell
action8738%2007-10-03  16:07
Play Absolute Defender H.W.
action4717%2007-10-02  06:30
Play Absolute Defender
action130813%12007-10-01  23:40
Play Simple Maze
puzzle81113%2007-10-01  05:55
Play Flower
action53318%2007-09-27  14:17

Bookmarked Levels


Levels Won

UsernameNameWinsBest Time


Best Lives


qeasPlay Mini-boss 1117.46670 / ∞
qeasPlay 色とりどり134.63332 / 3
KittyBeastPlay Waves-test11401 / ∞4
MDPlay Hammerhead Harrier1212.666711 / ∞12
sistenPlay big ship !!!177.30 / ∞
Zero557Play Twicky136.50 / ∞
razrbladr2Play Big Red Bomb172.30 / ∞
razrbladr2Play ZetaFlow-My first level125.90 / ∞
user 123Play layers final126.63330 / ∞
BugsPlay Boomgyro113.70 / ∞
user 123Play hard122.60 / ∞
user 123Play layers 2142.13330 / ∞
BugsPlay The killer184.13331 / ∞
BugsPlay You must fight yourself122.03330 / ∞
user 123Play layers125.10 / 5
user 123Play my first131.73330 / ∞
raigon50Play RayAxle161.33330 / 5
asdeespadasPlay IMPOSSIBLE by |As|1211.03330 / 127
hit9Play ship04147.36670 / ∞
raz3124Play core fighter (the cores are the health)418.13330 / ∞
raz3124Play legendary robot187.50 / ∞
raz3124Play  crystal battle 1166.86670 / ∞
testuserPlay Green tank7311 / 31
atrix953Play Laser Galore D:1116.20 / ∞
atrix953Play X-Force First Contact161.96671 / ∞
hit9Play its just you161.63330 / ∞
hit9Play missile140.83330 / ∞
hit9Play attack aircraft230.03330 / ∞
hit9Play ship03150.16670 / ∞
hit9Play bug151.90 / ∞
hit9Play spidey157.71 / ∞
hit9Play WALL E1160.50 / ∞
hit9Play you can kill it164.93330 / ∞
hit9Play small19.60 / ∞
hit9Play your dead!!!155.20 / ∞1
hit9Play american fighter jet217.43330 / ∞1
hit9Play japanese fighter jet119.83330 / ∞
hit9Play ship01126.10 / ∞
StumpyPlay Shields up143.53330 / ∞
hit9Play titan1111.30 / ∞
testuserPlay B.eater238.76670 / 01
tom and joePlay first bit is hard1132.33334 / ∞
02Play boss 2193.23333 / ∞
02Play boss1197.16671 / ∞1
hit9Play green destroyer1203.06676 / ∞2
ryo2Play KAYSER JUDGEMENT293.43332 / ∞1
leejiho011Play IMPOSSIBLE 2296.33330 / ∞1
testuserPlay Dreadnoughts (refined Armada)1356.76676 / 71
ryo2Play S.E.N.K.A.N1215.86676 / ∞
curtPlay Rocket1288.36670 / 0
guyguy481Play you cant beat this1110.733331 / ∞
Zero557Play No Point In Playin Cos Impossible278.16672 / ∞
Zero557Play Jewel In Case128.63330 / ∞
testuserPlay Armada2273.33336 / 5
t0mPlay nothing12.53330 / ∞
curtPlay Swine-Flu1186.26671 / ∞3
testuserPlay Flowering wheel2229.42 / 3
hit9Play space bot1294.766717 / ∞
kevinohappyfacePlay Sphear1100.26673 / 15
raz3124Play do it fast as u can155.13330 / ∞
testuserPlay Sealer6126.36672 / 51
02Play DEVIL or ANGEL186.33333 / 3
hit9Play destroy the 34 coins1223.366710 / ∞
ryo2Play mahoujin1107.23334 / 6
ryo2Play ×179.82 / 6
ryo2Play Microsoft 's assassin152.83331 / ∞
raz3124Play criss-cross maze218.16670 / ∞2
raz3124Play ?1431.80 / ∞3
ryo2Play factory visit1268.63339 / 103
monkeyPlay dinosaur144.36670 / 20
sasadadPlay Solar System150.06670 / 01
swartzerPlay Swinging shields (harder)133.16671 / 44
testuserPlay Circle of death II110.31 / 3
testuserPlay Absolute Defender1137.66673 / 51
missing_linkPlay Fat Gunship1126.56672 / 43