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Levels Created (52)

NameRatingTypePlaysSuccess rateMsgsDate
Play Confederacy Scout (With Experimental For [...]
action13112%12010-01-11  16:06
Play Minimalist: Spectrum
action39041%52009-07-04  12:51
Play Xero "Eye"
art20869%12009-07-03  19:18
Play Xero Swarm Carrier
action39634%42009-07-03  14:43
Play Aeronox Warship
action31656%2008-10-18  18:45
Play Aeronox Airship
action14754%2008-10-18  17:55
Play Spirit of Water
action86032%2008-10-17  16:54
Play Spirit of Ice
action39657%2008-07-15  09:30
Play Spirit of Fire
action29272%2008-07-15  09:29
Play The Time Manipulator
action100614%22008-07-03  16:37
Play Simple Death Command Droid
27183%2008-06-27  16:00
Play UltraComplex Line Movement
tutorial27050%12008-05-20  14:50
Play Solar System
art226844%12008-03-19  15:13
Play KaleidoScope
art44529%12008-03-15  15:19
Play Enter the Machine- Series
68977%2008-03-15  11:12
Play Shift
art267undefeated2008-03-03  15:28
Play ~ZetaFlow~
art29345%2008-02-14  15:54
Play Space Orbital Drone
action15914%2008-02-02  17:26
Play Intertwined-Circle Art
art38048%2008-02-02  16:30
Play Omega Eradicator
action49451%2008-02-01  17:28
Play Blitter Bug
40436%2008-01-30  18:33
Play Point of View
art17048%2008-01-29  14:54
Play The Processor
art19136%2008-01-29  14:47
Play The Porcupine of Doom!
action21739%2008-01-26  10:30
Play Vector Eye-Circle Art
art29841%2008-01-25  17:49
Play Void Eye-Circle Art
art29825%2008-01-24  17:52
Play The Leviathan
action43260%2008-01-24  14:01
Play Orbital Core Destroyer
action39648%2008-01-22  19:40
Play Orbital Core-Demonstration
tutorial2448%2008-01-22  19:07
Play Orb Runner
action26740%2008-01-04  18:27
Play Blob
art28346%2008-01-03  20:06
Play Droid Lord
action19247%2008-01-03  15:27
Play Weave
action3208%2008-01-02  17:44
Play RotoShip
action7825%2007-12-31  09:10
Play Laser Droid D-4
action31338%2007-12-28  16:21
Play Chaos
action14130%2007-12-28  13:49
Play Spectrum
action24421%2007-12-28  12:59
Play Maze
action24933%2007-12-28  10:41
Play Avoidance
action5229%2007-12-22  17:20
Play Central
action15611%2007-12-14  15:16
Play LaserDodge
action20742%2007-12-14  15:04
Play Tentacles
art33535%2007-12-12  19:32
Play Eclipse
action55633%2007-12-12  15:58
Play Starblade
action37241%2007-11-24  16:38
Play Spiky Maze
puzzle53842%2007-11-21  15:18
Play My New Damage Idea
tutorial43050%2007-11-12  09:34
Play Droid Outpost
action35930%2007-11-10  09:59
Play Laser Droid Elite
action30529%2007-11-10  09:43
Play Laser Droid D-3
action19754%2007-11-09  18:47
Play Zap Rooms
action22947%2007-11-09  18:15
Play Laser Droid D-2
action18948%2007-11-09  17:57
Play Laser Droid D-1
action23247%12007-11-09  17:30

Bookmarked Levels

secretPlay The quantum and nuclear Base

Levels Won

UsernameNameWinsBest Time


Best Lives


lock1Play only lasers429.96670 / ∞
spyro101Play pick a core!63.26670 / ∞1
PhantomPlay LEVEL 1: Magic Pentagram145.76670 / 5
otogiPlay my invisible partner66.86670 / ∞
asdasdgPlay the challenge2124.33330 / 12714
kidpokePlay destroy see remain un-seen31.66670 / ∞
Darth EPlay Computer Core188.73330 / ∞2
asdasdgPlay Zetaflow pipe dream123.46670 / ∞1
asdasdgPlay self-destruct.25.66670 / ∞
sasadadPlay Confederacy Scout (With Experimental For [...]1136.93330 / 51
PeedlePlay Spiderbot243.20 / ∞
raz3124Play Carrier228.20 / ∞
asdasdgPlay zeta rebellion p8117.96670 / 32
raz3124Play Mystic181.03330 / ∞4
asdasdgPlay the zeta Rebellion p6148.26670 / 5
otogiPlay spiritual blue death1124.13330 / ∞1
raz3124Play Death trigger with waypoints stop62.96670 / ∞1
asdasdgPlay zeta rebellion p3431.43330 / 52
raz3124Play Awesomeness136.80 / ∞
asdasdgPlay the zeta rebellion p2125.86670 / 5
raz3124Play Worlds hardest level part 4178.10 / ∞4
MouziPlay Shield Counter122.23330 / 04
PeedlePlay Spin Elemental26.06670 / 01
PeedlePlay Bats!36.50 / ∞
raz3124Play Wraith124.03330 / ∞
otogiPlay my opus movement system 2210.10 / ∞1
coconut219Play rainbow115.90 / ∞
raz3124Play Boy with baseballbat210.30 / ∞
raz3124Play Just a picture 2 (Find the secret to win [...]110.76670 / ∞
otogiPlay Mr. armstrong312.83330 / ∞3
Darth EPlay It's an airship! (harder version)1105.36670 / ∞2
otogiPlay dekai11628 / ∞
asdasdgPlay apple orchard234.20 / 10
newoPlay Good luck111.16670 / 0
cheesePlay icecream!210.76670 / ∞3
otogiPlay ZetaFlow little fighter 1130.24 / ∞2
otogiPlay spiritual blue star297.96670 / ∞
marioluigi123Play Magma AX11420 / ∞
otogiPlay Bee(?)153.03330 / ∞
The JacksterPlay Flying Zombie Cobra 148.86671 / 31
NARFPlay Battle Station Guido Class(Easy)177.13330 / ∞3
FruktfiskPlay Chinese New Year Dragon34.60 / ∞2
XxoriginxXPlay Ruby Destroyer182.73335 / ∞2
XxoriginxXPlay Emerald Nightmare260.03330 / ∞
testuserPlay Armada1199.93333 / 5
testuserPlay Flowering wheel1156.63333 / 3
02Play Will o' the wisp149.03330 / 41
kevinohappyfacePlay Sphear122.50 / 15
testuserPlay Sealer131.33330 / 51
NARFPlay Quest For The 8 Moons Boss 8182.26673 / 31
NARFPlay Quest For The 8 Moons Boss 7142.06670 / 1
NARFPlay Quest For The 8 Moons Boss 6174.16671 / 1
NARFPlay Quest For The 8 Moons Boss 5151.60 / 1
NARFPlay Quest For The 8 Moons Boss 4162.60 / 1
NARFPlay Quest For The 8 Moons Boss 3280.96670 / 11
NARFPlay Quest For The Moons Boss 2138.16670 / 1
NARFPlay Quest For the 8 Moons Boss 1424.56670 / 1
MDPlay Minimalist: Brusque229.60 / ∞6
NARFPlay Minimalist - Warbot From Accounting243.73331 / 3
ryo2Play ×1105.81 / 6
michael2000Play Asteriod belt part 1111.33330 / ∞
ryo2Play sky red175.12 / 2
ryo2Play 0-6361.76670 / ∞
kirill2525Play Arm of Doom1108.83333 / 401
dadasasPlay Simple Ship1514.10 / ∞
sasadadPlay Minimalist: Spectrum4155.63330 / 55
michael2000Play Heavy Heavy Heavy 3122.51 / ∞
michael2000Play Heavy Heavy Heavy 2131.96670 / ∞
michael2000Play easy64.63330 / ∞
ryo2Play 0-5255.03331 / 7
ryo2Play 0-4196.85 / 6
ryo2Play 0-3278.83332 / 8
ryo2Play 0-2192.41 / 7
ryo2Play 0-12109.25 / 82
MouziPlay Minimalist: Rhombus422.43330 / ∞5
FruktfiskPlay Minimalism: Angry Lobster281.16674 / 103
asdasdgPlay minimalist:Steppingstones322.70 / 3
NARFPlay Security Eye137.56671 / 13
asdasdgPlay attackpattern alph141.26671 / 5
NARFPlay Crawler Tank158.23330 / 3
RegisterPlay U-11102.71 / ∞
asdasdgPlay Enterprise NX-01162.76671 / 11
murillohfbPlay Mega ship of weak117.90 / ∞
NARFPlay Particle Barrier(Easy)332.73330 / 22
SDmaniacPlay On a Rail243.03331 / ∞
asdasdgPlay Uss defiant237.83330 / 33
idageekPlay V-Missile Carrier1104.56672 / 32
SDmaniacPlay Wake the beast252.86670 / ∞4
MDPlay Shadow Station254.62 / 46
asdasdgPlay dread not34.90 / 03
ryoPlay 魔列車2197.76672 / 7
NARFPlay Insane Jabberwocky164.73332 / 3
asdasdgPlay battery115.96670 / 2
ryoPlay General1105.06673 / 9
secretPlay The quantum and nuclear Base1679.445 / ∞6
n3cr0m33p5Play Reactor Mission1742 / 52
n3cr0m33p5Play Micro Fighter Mk II160.22 / 2
MouziPlay Multiple Enemies (example)458.86670 / ∞
TrevorShannonPlay Brick Cannon22.46670 / 0
MDPlay Tiered Attack293.86671 / 11
sasadadPlay Enter the Machine- Series26.70 / 3
sasadadPlay ~ZetaFlow~239.33330 / 0
sasadadPlay The Leviathan142.66670 / 3
MouziPlay Resizing (example)112.20 / 0
SethumPlay Road Rash [Art]28.13330 / ∞
MDPlay Quest for Freedom249.70 / 3
MDPlay [4 levels] Farm218.20 / 03
sasadadPlay Orb Runner133.96671 / 5
sasadadPlay Maze190.80 / 5
MDPlay Minimalist: Deceptive Droid125.31 / 2
sasadadPlay Spiky Maze23.96670 / ∞
testuserPlay Absolute Defender II H.W.1174.24 / 52
testuserPlay Absolute Defender II11635 / 5
AzathothPlay Spider170.40 / 0
MDPlay Shield Generator138.30 / 2
stupidmanPlay codys TT146.20 / 4
veneraxPlay Power Box2390 / ∞
SkullFace72Play Power Core27.13330 / 0
SkullFace72Play Horned Beast123.40 / 0
SkullFace72Play Mothership120.30 / 0
potatoandpieloverPlay Serenity183.23330 / ∞1
jbtoddPlay bad mother135.70 / 01
thr3edekkerPlay Frequent Flyer159.50 / 0
potatoandpieloverPlay Reality298.30 / 01
MDPlay Titanium Torque325.30 / 51
samusmanPlay Mandible Mayham316.56670 / 41